When Dogs Heal captures the stories of people living with HIV and the dogs that saved them. Inspired by Fred and Fred Says founder, Dr. Rob Garofalo, this 152-page anthology -- with photography by Jesse Freiden and essays by Christina Garofalo and Zach Stafford -- puts power back into an experience that has been burdened with stigma for far too long.

A portion of proceeds go to supporting HIV+ youth.

Lynnea + Coconut

Photo By: Jesse Freidin Photography

“Lately, I’ve found myself not hiding in silence anymore. I no longer look at HIV as something negative in my life, or as a reason to push people away. I’ve seen the bad, I’ve been with the bad—my relationship with Coconut during my pregnancy helped me see that I am worth more and to take the leap I needed to not compromise on that. Instead of looking for a person who’s okay with my status, I look now for a person I can be happy with. Coconut has shown me I can be loved by another living thing—that I deserve a love that doesn’t hurt.”